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  Message from the Principal

Principal of Singapore College of Traditional Chinese Medicine

戴铭 Dai Ming

The Singapore Chinese Physicians’ Association (SCPA) established the Singapore Chinese Physician Training School in 1953 and was renamed as Singapore College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SCTCM) in 1976. The mission of SCTCM is to cultivate advanced talents in the field of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), to promote Chinese medicine, and to benefit the general public.

The school was founded by our predecessors in the early days with the mindset of promoting Chinese medicine and passing on TCM to the generations to come. Our predecessors overcame many difficulties in running the school, cultivated batches of outstanding TCM talents and laid a solid foundation for the development of SCTCM. After 70 years of running the school, embodying the unremitting struggle and hard work of several generations of Singaporean TCM practitioners, the College has grown with the times and has now become the largest and most established TCM education institution in Singapore. The College has not only been recognized by the Ministry of Health - having achieved the fourth consecutive four-year of CPE statutory registration, the third consecutive four- year of EduTrust certification, but also passed the ISO9001 international certification, thus winning a good social reputation and heralding extensive international influence, becoming the TCM professional training institution in Southeast Asia with a long history and a large number of students.

The College motto is “Be Vigilant, Be Brave, Be Upright and Be Diligent”, emphasizing on rigorous training and the importance of both ethics and skill. Society has widely welcomed our college as it abides by the discipline of “reading the classics and building clinical experience”, ensuring our students not only have a strong theory foundation but also strong clinical capabilities. Since its establishment, the College has nearly 5,007 graduates located across Singapore and overseas, responsible for TCM treatment and health care in their respective fields, making important contributions to the development of medical and health undertakings and the improvement of people's health in Singapore and abroad. The College also emphasizes on TCM scientific research, medical services and international academic exchanges and collaboration with well-known TCM institutions and academic institutions in many countries, inviting their experts and professors to give lectures at the College.

As we celebrate the 70th anniversary of our founding this year, we take this opportunity to launch a series of activities to further mobilize our students and staff to work together and contribute to the furtherance in the development of SCTCM. Moving forward, SCTCM is fully confident with the Advanced Diploma in TCM and Bachelor degree education set as the foundation, we shall continue to develop post-graduate education and actively expand continuing education, deepen education reform and strive hard towards becoming the Premier TCM educational institution in the region by weaving education, healthcare and research together seamlessly and improving scale, quality and efficacy concurrently, so as to further boost the development of our country’s TCM industry and contribute more greatly to improve the general health of the public.

Singapore College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
CPE Reg. No.:201201406K
Registration Validity Period: 04-03-2023 to 03-03-2027

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Last modified on 01-Jul-2024