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  Important notice for international student

Important notice for international student

In accordance to ICA’s Terms & Conditions of Student’s pass (STP)
1. You are required to produce your STP card and passport to the Immigration Officer at the Checkpoint each time you leave Singapore and return.
2. You are required to surrender the Card to SCTCM when the Student’s Pass issued to you is cancelled or has expired, and when a new Card is issued to you.
3. Should you intend to leave Singapore and only return after the expiry of the Student’s Pass issued to you, you are required to surrender this Card to the Immigration Officer at the Checkpoint at the time of your departure.
4. While in Singapore, you are required to furnish the Student’s Pass Card for inspection to an Immigration Officer or Police Officer within reasonable time when so requested.
5. You shall notify SCTCM if there is any change in your place of residence with 14 days of the change. SCTCM will report a change of address online via e-Update of Address.
6. You shall comply with the provisions of the Immigration Act and any regulation made under the Act, or any statutory modification or re-enactment in force in Singapore during your stay.
7. You shall not engage in any activity, criminal or otherwise, which is inconsistent with the purpose for which the Student’s Pass has been issued.
8. You shall not take part in any political or other related activities during your stay in Singapore.
9. You shall not contravene any laws or any statutory modification or re-enactment in force in Singapore during your stay.
10. You shall not smoke, administer to yourself, consume or be in any way engaged in the trafficking of any controlled drug as defined in the Misuse of Drug Act or any written law in force relating to the control of dangerous or harmful drugs.
11. You shall not engage in any form of employment paid or unpaid, or in any business, profession, or in any activity which, in the opinion of the Controller of Immigration, is detrimental to the security, reputation and well-being of Singapore.
12. You should not fail to attend classes for a continuous period of 7 days without a valid reason, you are required to fulfil at least 90% attendance at all times.
13. You shall surrender the Student’s Pass for cancellation within 7 days of the date of cessation or termination of studies. SCTCM will help you to cancel the Student’s Pass and obtain the short term visit pass.
14. International students who have lost their Student's Pass are required to apply for a replacement within 7 days of the date of loss. The students may call in person at the ICA Student's Pass Unit with the following documents:
  1). Valid travel document and a photocopy of the personal biodata page;
  2). A letter from the school stating that the applicant is currently a registered student of the school;
  3). Original copy of Police report (Students are required to report the loss of their student’s pass to the police immediately)
  You may view the original terms & conditions at here

15. Others:

1). Smoking
You are required to know the smoking restrictions in Singapore, including the minimum legal age and the places where smoking is banned.Click here
2). Drugs Abuse and Trafficking
Drug abuse is viewed seriously in Singapore. Illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances is strictly prohibited. Offenders will be sentenced to a long jail term or even death if caught possessing more than 15g of heroin.
3). Alcohol Abuse
Students below age 18 are not allowed to buy, sell or consume alcohol as the legal drinking age in Singapore is 18-year-old.
4). Spitting and littering
Spitting and littering is an offence and carries a fine of SGD$200.
5). Jaywalking
Jaywalking is an offence. You are advised to be responsible and watch your own safety on the road. You will be fined for jaywalking.
6). Chewing Gums
Chewing gums is not allowed to be brought into Singapore or to be consumed locally as it is banned unless the gum serves medical purpose such as dental-health gums and nicotine gums which help people to quit smoking. Offenders who are caught bringing chewing gum will be fined SGD$500 – SGD$1000.

Singapore College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
PEI Reg. No.:201201406K
Registration Validity Period: 04-03-2023 to 03-03-2027

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Cert No.:EDU-2-2055
Validity Period:
23-05-2022 to 22-05-2026
ADD: 640 Lorong 4 Toa Payoh Singapore 319522
TEL: +65-6250 3088 FAX: +65-6356 9901
Last modified on 26-Dec-2024