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2024 Homecoming cum CNY Celebration for Alumni of English TCM Courses
  The biennial TCM Homecoming event for Alumni of English TCM Certificate Courses was held on 2 March 2024. This year’s event was wholly organized by the current 2022 batch of students from the Certificate in TCM Assistant course. Over 60 alumni, students and lecturers from the College’s Certificate in Basic Theory of TCM and Certificate in TCM Assistant courses (conducted in English) registered for the event. The event kickstarted with ice-breakers and a welcome speech by Dr Goh Kia Seng, Chairman of the College Board of Directors. This was followed by a sing-along of “Heal the World”, led by the 2022 batch of students who also performed it for last year’s World Chinese Medicine day College celebrations. Everyone took the opportunity to rekindle friendships with their classmates and catch up with their past lecturers over TCM games and whole-food plant-based lunch bentos, Yusheng, traditional home-made Cheng Tng dessert and TCM teas. Each participant walked away with hearts and hands full of goodie bags and sure-win lucky draw prizes sponsored by Kampung Senang, Grandma Lotus, Agnes Png, and Singapore College of TCM etc.

The Certificate in TCM Assistant course is a 2-year part-time course specially designed for the general public to gain an overview of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The Certificate in Basic Theory of TCM course is a 9-month part-time course and comprises the first four modules of the TCM Assistant course. Apart from personal healthcare and wellness, completion of the courses could lead to opportunities in the TCM or related industries including career prospects such as clinical assistants, assistant to registered TCM practitioners, assistant in nursing homes etc.

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Singapore College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
CPE Reg. No.:201201406K
Registration Validity Period: 04-03-2023 to 03-03- 2027
最后修改:2024年7月8日    使用条款 隐私政策

Cert No.:EDU-2-2055
Validity Period:
23-05-2022 to 22-05-2026