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Singapore College of Traditional Chinese Medicine - 新加坡中医学院
  学生投诉程序 Student Complain Procedure

  1. Students who wish to file their complaint may use the Student Complain Form.
    学生投诉可填写 “学生投诉表格”。

  2. The responsibility of staffs to ensure Student Complaint are properly handled are define in the Student Complaint Form to ensure effectiveness in resolving the issues that were raised.

  3. The school will keep complainant informed of the status of the complaint investigation.

  4. Initial respond to a complaint by the school should be within 3 days upon receipt.

  5. The school shall resolve complaints within a maximum of 21 working days upon receipt of the complaint and will reply to the student in writing.

  6. However, if students are still not satisfied with the outcome from the PEI’s internal grievance process, they are advised to seek redress via:
    • the CPE Mediation-Arbitration Scheme; or
    • the Small Claims Tribunals (SCT), for clear-cut fee refund issues of equivalent or less than S$10,000#; or
    • their own legal counsel.

    #For amounts that exceed the prescribed limit of SGD$10,000 but does not exceed SGD$20,000, the claim can still be convened in SCT with both parties’ consent in writing. 
    For more details kindly refer to the CPE website at www.cpe.gov.sg .

    • 私立教育理事会调解及仲裁计划;或
    • 小额法庭(Small Claims Tribunals)- 适用于款项相等于新币 $ 10,000或少于新币 $ 10,000#,清楚明确的学费退款问题;或
    • 自己的法律顾问。

    # 若索偿的款额超过限定的新币 $10,000 但不超过新币$ 20,000,仍然可通过小额法庭索赔,条件是争议双方都有发出书面同意通过小额法庭解决此争端。

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Singapore College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
PEI Reg. No.:201201406K
Registration Validity Period: 04-03-2023 to 03-03- 2027
最后修改:2024年12月26日    使用条款 隐私政策

Cert No.:EDU-2-2055
Validity Period:
23-05-2022 to 22-05-2026