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Certificate in Basic Theory of TCM and Certificate in TCM Assistant Inauguration Ceremony and Student Orientation
  The morning of 6 April 2024 saw our College holding the inauguration ceremony and student orientation for the incoming batch of 2024 Certificate in Basic Theory of TCM and Certificate in TCM Assistant classes. This year we welcomed a total of over 30 students including an international student from Spain.

The inauguration ceremony commenced with the National Anthem, followed by an introduction of our College, school policies and discipline requirements, which was given by the vice-head of Centre of Continuing Education (CCE), Ms Eleanor Chua. This was then followed by a round of self-introductions by students, which revealed people of diverse interests including that of animals, travelling, sports and cooking etc. Nevertheless, they were brought together by the common interest of learning TCM for better healthcare. The session ended off with the College anthem, with students motivated to embark on their new TCM learning journey.

This year marks the 12th batch of students since the inauguration of the Certificate in Basic Theory of TCM and Certificate in TCM Assistant courses in 2012. Students learn a variety of skills and knowledge, including TCM fundamentals, herbs and decoctions, TCM dietetics, Tuina and Acupressure, and clinic management.

2024-04-11 19:42:23
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Singapore College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
CPE Reg. No.:201201406K
Registration Validity Period: 04-03-2023 to 03-03- 2027
最后修改:2024年7月8日    使用条款 隐私政策

Cert No.:EDU-2-2055
Validity Period:
23-05-2022 to 22-05-2026